5 Effective Ways to Get Slime Off a Sofa and Upholstery

Not to brag but I’m this mom who always has cleaning hacks at my fingertips (but what would you expect, I have two toddlers who get messy with everything and anything in the house). So, this one fine morning I get about 3 missed calls from my sister-in-law, which was unusual. I decided to call back and I could tell how frustrated she seemed just by the tone of her voice.

I had sent my kids to her place because I had a 2-day errand to run and I figured she could help me with them, she doesn’t have kids yet and I knew it would be tough for her. Apparently, she bought slime for the kids to play with because she had heard some neighbor say it is therapeutic and fun so she thought the kids would have fun. And of cos, they did as they ended up playing with it on the sofa, and guess what, it got stuck on the cushions and in the crevices and she just happened to realize after it had hardened, and hard to get rid of.

First I had to calm her down and give her assurance that it was nothing too complicated to deal with. Which is true. Dealing with slime is as easy as eliminating an oil stain from a sofa, regardless of whether it is mild or tough. And because I had dealt with slime myself before, it was easier to take her through the process of eliminating it and true to it, she got to deal with it easily and effectively.

In this article, we will learn 6 effective methods that you can apply to get lime out of your favorite couch. Both methods are effective and you will just need to identify one or two that will work well for you. Read on to find out more.

How Do I Get Slime Off My Fabric Sofa?


It is very easy for slime to cling on to and around upholstery and the most vulnerable could be your sofa, carpet, and any other furniture in the house especially if you have kids, and the slime!

Fortunately, there are simple and effective methods that you can play around with to get off that slime from your sofa. Let’s look at them.

How to Get Slime Off a Sofa Using Warm Water and Vinegar Solution.

One easy and best way to get fresh slime from your sofa is with a solution of warm water and vinegar and a soft bristle brush to scrape out the excess sticky lime. Here are the steps to take when using this method.


  • Use a soft bristle brush to scrape off as much slime as you can. You can also use a spoon which is safe as it won’t scratch off the fabric of your sofa.
  • In a spray bottle, add equal amounts of warm water and vinegar to form a solution. Then spray it over the remaining slime
  • Use the bristle brush to gently scrub off and loosen the remaining slime
  • Use a soft white rug to blot the area. Repeat this until all the slime has lifted

How to Get Slime Off a Sofa Using Rubbing Alcohol

Wondering what to use to get slime out of your sofa in place of vinegar? Rubbing alcohol is your next best solution. It is tough and effective on stains and may be exactly what you need to eliminate that slime stain from your sofa. Follow these steps when using rubbing alcohol


  • Use a spoon to scrape off excess slime. Be careful so you don’t scratch off your sofa’s fabric
  • Take a cotton ball and dub in some rubbing alcohol then rub it gently and in a circular motion on the remaining slime.
  • Use a fresh cotton ball with some rubbing alcohol 2 more times until all the slime lifts
  • Use a white damp microfiber cloth to blot the area, confirming that all the slime is gone and to get rid of the rubbing alcohol smell
  • If your sofa’s fabric is leather, make sure you apply some leather gel to restore its natural look and to prevent it from fading or cracking
  • Let the sofa air dry.

How to Get Slime Off a Sofa Using Ice Cubes and a Detergent

Usually, you will need to use ice cubes if the slime has dried on your sofa. This method is absolutely effective and easy to carry out. Here are the steps to follow


  • Use a spoon to scrape off as much slime as you can. A spoon is safe as it is blunt and wont scratch the fabric of your sofa.
  • There would still be some slime lingering around. Therefore, take some ice cubes and rub over the remaining slime to freeze it. This will make it easier to scrape all of it away.
  • Use a suitable cleaner to pre-treat the slime stain. The cleaner will depend with the type of fabric your sofa has.
  • Rub the detergent of your choice into the fabric to break down the stain and make it easier to clean.
  • Let it sit for about 5 minutes
  • Spray some warm water over the stain
  • Use a soft white microfiber cloth to blot the area
  • Let the sofa air dry.

How to Get Slime Off a Sofa Using Olive Oil and Dishwashing Soap

There are oils that usually come in handy as a cleaning hack when it comes to eliminating stains and olive oil is certainly one of them. And maybe it is just what you need to get that slime off your sofa. Follow these steps:


  • Apply a generous amount of olive oil over the slime and let it sit for about 10 minutes. This will create time for the olive oil to work on the slime hence making it easy to scrape out.
  • Use a spoon or a blunt knife to scrape off as much slime as possible while being careful not to scratch the sofas fabric.
  • Reapply the olive oil once more then use a microfiber cloth to blot the remaining slime stain
  • Mix warm water and dish soap then spray over the area to completely get rid of the slime stain
  • Wipe the area with a clean white cloth and let the sofa air dry

How to Get Slime Off the Sofa Using Baking Soda and Vinegar

Baking soda and vinegar have always been the best and most easily available cleaners for most households. They are best at tackling literally any form of stain and the slime on your sofa may need just one thorough cleaning with them. Follow these steps when using baking soda and vinegar


  • Scrape away as much slime as possible using a blunt knife
  • In a bowl, mix ½ cup water, 1 cup vinegar, and 3 spoonful of baking soda and stir to form a paste
  • Apply the paste over the slime stain and let it sit for about 10 minutes
  • Use a microfiber cloth to wipe out all the paste
  • Confirm if the slime stain lifted
  • If not, repeat the process again
  • Wipe the sofa with a damp white cloth to get rid of the vinegar and baking soda smell
  • Let the couch air dry

How to Get Slime Off a Sofa FAQs

How Do You Get Slime Off a Microfiber Sofa?

Just like cleaning microfiber couch cushions, getting slime off your couch should not be difficult. The safest and best way to eliminate slime from a microfiber sofa is by first scraping off as much slime using a spoon then rubbing some ice cubes over the slime to make it much easier to scrape off the remaining slime.

Also, it’s best to identify what cleaners your microfiber sofa requires. If it’s ok to use water-based cleaners, you can make a solution of water and dish soap then rub it over the slime stain until all the slime lifts.

If it requires a solvent clean, take a cotton swab and dub in some rubbing alcohol then gently and in a circular motion rub it over the slime stain. Plus, don’t forget to blot with a damp microfiber cloth to minimize the smell of rubbing alcohol.

How Do You Get Putty Slime Out of a Sofa?

To get putty off your sofa, use some ice cubes to freeze it so as to make it easier to scrape away as much as possible. Apply some rubbing alcohol in a cotton ball and rub it gently and in a circular motion over the stain. Repeat this until all the stain lifts.

Can you Get Slime Off a Sofa Without Using Vinegar?

In as much as vinegar is the most available and effective stain remover, you still have many other options when it comes to removing slime from your sofa. The best cleaner would be a solution of warm water and dish soap applied generously over the stain and blotting with a white microfiber cloth until all has lifted.


I find playing with slime fun but I’m always careful not to let it stick on my furniture or upholstery because I know just how messy it can get and even more, difficult to get it out. However, I wouldn’t say the same when it comes to my kids because I know how careless they can be when playing with slime.

Thankfully, there are many ways to get slime off your sofa and other households and you will find just that in this article. I hope you find it helpful just like me.

Here is another best article you might like: How to Scotchgard a sofa at home.

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